Saturday, November 5, 2016

Doctor Strange Review (Spoiler Free)

Oh, man. That movie last night did not disappoint. Going into the movie, I felt similar to going into watch Guardians of the Galaxy. Movies like have this a lot riding on them. They have to effectively introduce an entirely new aspect of the MCU. All our Earth-based movies introduce the center of the MCU. Guardians introduced our cosmic aspect. And Doctor Strange, which I am glad to say it did effectively, introduced the mystic side.
Story-wise, this movie was right up there with the big boys, like Iron Man and the Guardians. Dr. Stephen Strange, his character development was insanely good. It felt like Doctor Strange in the comics, how he goes from being an arrogant doctor, to a broken man, to a sorcerer. Doctor Strange, when he starts out, is slightly comparable to Tony Stark in the way that, before their superhuman transformation, they are jerks. Doctor Strange was an real jerk in this movie, and Benedict Cumberbatch did an amazing job of portraying this character that could be super intelligent, but also arrogant and hardheaded at the same time. The character's arc development, and didn't feel like the way Tony Stark keeps falling back into PTSD and alcoholism and whatnot. At the end of the movie, you see a man who is an entirely new person, and will never see the world the same again. The conclusion was the smartest I've ever seen. The final showdown is one where you cannot jus punch the antagonist in the face. It was a battle of wits, which is how a mind-bending movie should be. I applaud director Scott Derrickson on this.
The most impressive thing about this movie was the brains behind this. In the trailer, you see brief shots of him flying through various dimensions. The visuals were absolutely insane. And I mean a good insane. This part in the movie goes on for about four minutes, and I can tell, the visual crew on this movie had a lot of fun. Those guys are mad scientists. I laugh in the face of some bloggers online whose names shall remain anonymous, saying that 'oh, it's just another Inception'. Yeah, it is like Inception. If Leonardo DeCaprio had decided to just go loose with his mind and create mulitple dimensions and fight people while jumping in and out of those dimensions with magic (which was very well thought out). I would recommend watching this movie in 3D, as the visuals are one of, if not the most essential part of this movie. Marvel promised mind-bending, and they kept that promise. It's hard to tell anymore without revealing plot points, so I'll move on.
This was one great movie, don't get me wrong. But, honestly, the antagonist shown in the trailer Kaecilius, was a bit confusing. You hear bits and piece about his backstory, and his motives make sense, but the actual reason why he is doing it is a bit unclear. That's about all. It doesn't change the fact that he made a great villain, but that's really all I have to point out.
Basic confirmations. There is a Stan Lee cameo, and it is hilarious. There are two end credits scenes, so stay until the very end.
Over all, I give it a 96%
ComicBook Cinematic.

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