Friday, October 6, 2017

Black Panther Trailer Coming Soon?

by Elijah Varner
Now, this is purely speculation. Getting that out of the way. None of this is confirmed. But... I closely follow Marvel's release pages. It's their page on social media where they release all featurettes, trailers, footage and promo material. In the past, this page has been strictly video. But as of yesterday, they released this cryptic photo out of nowhere:

Now, Marvel Studios is not one to shy away from teasing upcoming material. Remember that teaser for the teaser for Spider-Man Homecoming? Now, I'm not saying that this is confirming anything. But it might. But for gosh's sake, can we just get a freaking Infinity War teaser?!?

Black Panther premiers in the US on February 16, 2018.

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