Monday, October 23, 2017

Is Hulk Getting His Own Solo Movie? Here's What Mark Ruffalo Says

by Elijah Varner
You clicked on this article because you are one of the faithful and hopeful few who believe in Hulk narrative. Simple answer: he won't. Because Universal won't play nice. They may want to consider taking a page out of Sony's book after the revenue they received with Spider-Man. But...there is some good news. Just because we won't see the Hulk get his own movie, doesn't mean he won't be developed in other creative ways. Marvel has already cunningly inserted the Hulk into Thor: Ragnarok, hitting theaters in less than two weeks. And, from the reviews, it looks like he's going to steal the show. And the Hulk is also said to be featured prominently in the following Avengers films, coming May 2018 and 2019. Just in case you're still doubting my legitimacy, here's a quote from Mark Ruffalo during his interview with Yahoo Movies:

"I'd love to do a Hulk movie, but that's beyond my control. It's controlled by Universal [Pictures]. Marvel doesn't even hold the rights to it. So, it's not on the horizon. And I don't know if it will be. But we have worked a really interesting arc into Thor 3Avengers 3 and 4 for Banner that I think will – when it’s all added up – will feel like a Hulk movie, a standalone movie."

To read the full interview, click here. Now, since there's no Hulk movie on the horizon, treat yourself to the next piece of Hulk we'll have. Thor: Ragnarok premieres in the US on November 3, and features Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk. (Below: Thor: Ragnarok featurettes) 

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