Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Top 10 Upcoming Movies I Can't Wait To See

by Elijah Varner
Movies will always come out, so I'll always be happy. But, every once in a while, there'll be a movie that really makes me happy. These next years pack a sizable handful of these pleasing movies. I ranked them chronologically. Shall I begin the list?
1. Rogue One

   Star Wars has always had a special place in my heart. It always will. But, what a lot of people don't know, and what I don't tell a lot of people becuase they yell at me is, Force Awakens wasn't the best movie in the world. I know. So sue me. Maybe I'll discuss it in a future article.  But this movie looks like it could potentially be better. Other than the fact that they shoot an AT-AT with a rocket launcher, and it has pretty much the most multicultural cast I've ever seen in a movie,  I think I'll enjoy seeing something in the Star Wars movie franchise that we haven't seen before. Force Awakens felt like a repeat of New Hope with a girl Luke and a black Han and Han as Obi-Wan. This movie shows a war-movie-like aspect that we've never seen before. Argue what you will, but I very well believe that this movie will be one of the best Star Wars movies yet. It comes out December 18, 2016.
2. Lego Batman
Call me immature, but I'm really excited to see this one. I loved the humor and heart we saw in Phil Lord and Christopher Miller's Lego Movie. (By the way, these guys are also directing the Young Han Solo spin-off and are writing the aninamted Spider-Man movie made by Sony, both coming in late 2018) The trailer was already really funny. I like movies centered on arrogant jerks who have to learn to become a hero. It'll be great. It premiers on Februrary 10, 2017.
3. Power Rangers

I'm not insanely excited for this movie. After all, they did change Angel Grove from a hip California beach suburb to a teen rehibilitation center. But the Zords do look pretty sweet on the promotional posters they released.  And I like how there armor is kind of like Venom. Kind of. But, anyway, I'm just excited to see what kind of take they take on this movie. It comes out March 24, 2017.
4. Guardians of the Galaxy 2

We all fell in love with James Gunn's take on the obscure comic book property Guardians of the Galaxy. And it seems that the sequel has a lot to live up to. But Gunn and the cast members all seem to say that this movie is the best they've done, so we'll see. The Guardians in this picture seem to have some additional members, including Nebula and Yondu, which we saw in the first, and newcomer Mantis, a character who they haven't spoke much on except for the fact that she will be closely associated with Quill's father, who will be played by Kurt Russell. Also, it was confirmed that Quill's father is Ego the Living Planet, so the way they take on that character will be intersting to see.  This one premiers May 5, 2017.

5. Wonder Woman
This one will be interesting. As the first superhero movie to focus primarily on a female superhero, it will be a stepping stone for superhero movies and a day to celebrate for all the feminists. And it looks like it's going to be pretty hard-core. Especially the part where she's riding on a horse, taking down Nazis in tanks with her sword. It will take place during WWII, because Wonder Woman is immortal and can live that long and still retain an Amazon figure. What the women of this world wouldn't do for that. Wonder Woman premiers on June 2, 2017.
6. Spider-Man: Homecoming

By far, my absolute favorite character in the Marvel universe has and always will be Spider-Man. For a variety of reasons I can maybe discuss later. Tobey Maguire was pretty good. I hated Andrew Garfield. But the only actor I feel portrayed Spidey without fail was the newest: Tom Holland.. We have Michael Keaton cast as the Vulture, another dude as the Tinkerer, and a guy shown on set photos in a yellow suit that coul dbe either Shocker or Hobgoblin. I dunno. They haven't said much, okay?. Apparently, this one will be the first in a trilogy of Spidey movies. That'll be great, because I can't wait to see more of this MCU-oriented Spider-Man. Also, we only got to see him for about twenty minutes in Civil War, six of which he wasn't even in the suit, so I'll be happy to see more of him. Spidey swings to theaters July 7, 2017.
7. War of the Planet of the Apes

The final movie in the Apes series, will be an epic showdown. At the end of Dawn, we see a gigantic battleship heading to where Caesar and his ape tribe live. I'm expecting some crazy motion capture in this one, like in the first two. Also, the idea of millions of apes on horse fighting soldiers for the planet is just really fun to imagine. It comes out on July 14, 2017.
8.Thor: Ragnarok
After the last two Thor movies, I wasn't really looking forward to another. They weren't necessarily bad, per se. They just lacked the conviction of it's precedors. This one sounds like it will be awesome. With the addition as the Hulk as a supporting character, and adding Cate Blanchet(Lady Galadriel) as Hela, goddess of the underworld, it sounds promising. Also, at Comic-Con, they showed gladiator armor for both the Hulk and Thor. Could they be bringing Planet Hulk attributes into this movie? And we still need to see what happened to Loki at the end of Dark World, and it looks like Doctor Strange will also be in it, due to an end credit scene in Doctor Strange. This Thor movie, I like it. Another! This one comes out November 3, 2017.
9. Justice League
It seems as if I've been waiting forever for DC to catch on to the whole shared universe idea. And they have. Now, some of you might be skeptical after Dawn of Justice's flop, but I believe it will all turn out okay. Mostly because they kicked out the director of that movie out and made the guy in charge of the CW's Flash, Arrow, Legends, and Supergirl in charge of the whole DCEU, and you can already see them trying to scrap the whole cynical outlook and try a lighter tone. How will it turn out? We'll see on November 17, 2016.
10. Star Wars VIII
It seems we'll be waiting forever for this. They haven't really said much about, except for the possibility that another Knight of Ren might show up. It is more than a year away, so we'll just have to wait. What will it be like? No doubt we'll explore the relationship between Luke and Rey, maybe find out some more about General Snoke, finally find out who Rey's parents are and find out why she could kick Kylo's butt on her first go? Until December 15, 2017, we'll just have to use the Force to predict what it'll be like.
As you can see, we got a lot of sweet movies coming next year (and this year, if you count Rogue). Some of them seem like they could either fail miserably or succeed tremendously. Actually, all of them do. We shall see, my friends.

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