Saturday, November 19, 2016

Rogue One's Pretty Sick Lineup of Characters

The series of Rogue One articles that are son to come are kickstarted with the celebration that is... this article. Sorry. I can't afford a gala at my place, so this will have to do. Anyway, Rogue One. What a wonderful-looking movie. It's a heist movie. It's a war movie. For all of you who don't know, Rogue is a movie about the team of Rebels who steal the plans for the Death Star. I may point out that it has the most racially inclusive cast. We got a white female lead, a Latino dude, a Scottish dude, a Polynesian dude, a blind Asian dude and a black robot dude. Not sure if that last one counts as a race, but whatever. Let's take a look at our merry and of rebels for 2016, shall we?
Jyn Erso

Obviously, as shown in the trailer, Jyn Erso, played by Felicity Jones, is the main protagonist in Rogue. They hadn't really released any information except for Mon Mothma(the rebel chick who's always wearing white) listing her various crimes against the Empire, but recently, we see that the reason for her stealing the plans is a little more personal. You see, her father(who is the same guy who played Kaecilius in Doctor Strange), who we presume that she presumed to be dead, is the guy who made the plans. So we'll see how that plays out. We know she's pretty bad-donkey based on her beating up stormtroopers. Whether or not she will have a love interest has been kept unrevealed, along with pretty much every detail about her,  so we'll see, won't we?
Cassian Andor

Captain Cassian Andor, portrayed by Diego Luna, is the Latino guy in the movie. Seemingly being the main male lead of the movie, it is much presumed that he will be a love interest to her, but there is now way of telling. He was described as the polar opposite of Erso, with her being hotheaded and irrational at times, and him being the kind of "let's think this through so that Darth Vader doesn't kill us" kind of guy. I'm looking forward to learning more about his character.

Droids have always had an important role in the Star Wars franchise, and K-2SO(referred to by his creator as Kaytoo) is by far my favorite character so far. He's a repurposed Imperial combat droid who was reprogramed into helping the rebels infiltrate the Empire's bases. He looks pretty sick. Instead of being the roger, roger blaster droid, he's a superfast hand-to-hand combat droid. He's already pretty tall as seen in the picture, and I'm looking forward to him beating the living crap out of some stormtroopers.
Chirrut Imwe

We've never seen anything like Mr. Imwe before in Star Wars. First off, he's blind. And he's Asian. But that's not what makes him special. He's like the first person in the Star Wars universe to use kung fu. Or some other kind of space martial arts. And he's not a Jedi, mind you. He doesn't use the Force like they can. But he can use it in a different way. He uses the Force as his eyes, able to take out a whole squad of stormtroopers, armed with blasters, with only a staff. I'm pretty sure the reason he joined the Rebels is because his home planets He also did this cool thing where he dodged a laser bolt. That was cool.
Baze Malbus
Baze and Chirrut come from the same planet that was destroyed. So they're friends. Kind of. This guy was the one who fires a rocket launcher at the AT-AT on the beach/jungle planet. I think I peed a little on that part. Anyway, he's always the guy who wants to fire his really awesome rocket launcher. He's also kind of like Han, where he doesn't really believe in the Force, but there's people surrounding him who can. But who wouldn't really. The director said that him and Chirrut would have some humorous bickering scenes, so we'll see what else he shoots in the movie.
Director Orson Krennic
This guy is our bad guy. (If you couldn't tell by the evil menacing look he's giving you right now.) He's the guy overseeing construction of the Death Star, and will most likely be a huge obstacle to our Rebels in the movie. He is believed by some(not me) to one day become Supreme Leader Snoke. How, I don't know. I'm not sure what makes him such a huge threat, but he is the guy who is holding Jyn's dad captive, and that will lead to some emotional conflict between him and her, making for an excellent bad guy.
Other Random Tidbits
-Darth Vader will appear
-A new elite squadron of stormtroopers(they can actually hit stuff!) called deathtroopers will appear
-Bail Organa (Leia's adopted father) will appear
-Saw Gerrera, a character from Clone Wars, will appear
-Rogue One premiers on December 18, 2016

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