Thursday, December 1, 2016

K-2SO: The Droid Behind the Faceplate

by Elijah Varner
I may have mentioned this before, but the coolest part of Rogue One, for me, is going to be Kaytoo. For one, it's going to be the first time we'll see a droid like this. For one, he was manufactured by the same corporation as did the interrogator droid and several other Imperial droids. At some point, Captain Cassian Andor came across K2, and had him reprogrammed to help the Rebel cause. For this reason, Kaytoo has a colder, more unfeeling personality that previous droids in the Star Wars universe just didn't have this. Just check out this quote from the trailer
"Master says you are a friend. I will not kill you."
-Jyn Erso
You see, Kaytoo isn't a cute little BB unit. He was made for killing. That's not what makes him cool, mind you, because killing isn't cool at all, as some Deadpool fans might argue. But, another factor that seperates Kaytoo from just plain 'roger, roger' battle droids is his fighting style. He doesn't use a blaster. He just kinda beats things up. I'm looking forward to him throwing stormtroopers around and stuff. His role with infiltrating Imperial bases will be important, too, probably being their point of access into security. I'm sure his personality will make for some Drax-like humor. Anyway, get excited! Rogue One come out in, like, two weeks! December 16, 2016 to be exact.

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